Saturday, February 28, 2009
Create and use a Debt Checklist to See How you Stand Financially
A Debt Checklist allows you to look at items and areas of your financial life. You need to examine these to gauge how you stand. Even if you believe you are in good shape take a close look at these areas to be sure.
Your Budget
Almost nobody likes this word, which is why so many people have problems with their finances and debt. You need to know how to budget money. In addition, you should be sticking to a spending plan.
Your Savings Account.
You should pay yourself each month. To do this you need have an account in place, in which you keep your funds. At least until you can move them to an account with a higher rate of return. Visit your bank or credit union to set one up.
Your Use Of Credit.
You need to review your use of credit to see how, what, and where you are using it. Using credit to pay your bills or buying groceries is a recipe for trouble.
Your Percentage Of Income For Debt.
Nothing makes it harder to stay with your spending plan than credit card payments. You are paying for your past while trying to purchase your present. If your percentage of income going toward debt exceeds 15 you could be headed for trouble. Any amount over 20 percent, you need to put on the brakes.
Your Minimum Payments.
These add up. If you are to the point where you can only make minimum payments on your debts, you will stretch your indebtedness far into the future. You don't want to extended like this. Find ways to add extra to one payment each month. Then when you pay one off move the extra payments to another.
Your Protection.
You need to put into place and maintain protection for your assets. Your home, autos, life, and health, need be insured. Make certain the protection is in line with the value of your assets and the needs of the people whose lives would be effected.
Your Retirement.
Two factors come into play here. You are going to live longer and life is not getting any cheaper. You should pay into an account for retirement every month. More is better. If you have been paying attention you'll know not to depend solely on social security.
Your Job Skills.
Things change and change rapidly. A constant update should be part of your plan. You need to be able to obtain better jobs, or sometimes any job. The more skills you possess the better your chances.
Your Money Skills.
Since money education is not taught in school you will need to learn on your own. You need to learn to manage your money, even if you turn it over to others. Become familiar with how credit and debt works, so it doesn't work against you.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
8 Ways to Sink Yourself Financially
1. Don't focus on your financial planning
The reason most people get into debt is because they don't spend enough time focusing on their financial planning. You need to get a grasp of where you're at financially. Personal budgeting of your income in relation to expenses and spending habits can be done with a money management software i.e. Quicken, Microsoft Money or Mvelopes Personal.
2. Failure to develop a good financial plan
No one would imagine going on vacation without planning financially for it. Yet when finances are concerned, many people don't plan. A good financial plan can be the difference between comfortable living and struggling to get by.
3. Waiting too long to invest
When making investments, time is of the essence. Compound interest earns money over time; so don't wait too long to save for retirement. The longer you wait to invest, the smaller your return on investment.
4. Marrying the wrong person
Who you marry has a huge impact on your finances. Couples with different views on money, create stress in their marriage. Divorce apart from the emotional pain and suffering causes financial heartache.
5. Habits
Personal budget planner would show you how habits can ruin your budget plan. Buying a $1 coffee each day cost you $365 every year. Imagine how much more money you spend by eating out regularly. If you smoke, the cost of cigarettes along could drive you to quit.
6. Running up credit card balances
If you carry unpaid balances on credit cards, you are already losing money in interest payments alone. Credit card companies have high interest charges that accumulate with unpaid balances.
7. Be under-insured
You need to protect yourself and your family from unforeseen emergencies, sickness, accidents and possible death. The goal is to make sure that you have proper financial coverage in case anything should happen.
8. Investing in things you don't understand
If I had a dollar for every sure fire stock tip I'd be rich. Then I'd lose that money by investing in those tips. Make sure you know what you are investing in, by asking a lot of questions, don't hesitate to get another financial opinion.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Steps to Financial Freedom
Financial budgeting would give financial freedom which is the power to do what you will with your life without being forever bound by lack of money and over burdened by debt. This worthwhile goal can be achieved by anyone through careful budget planning and persistence. Just follow these steps:
- Pay yourself first
- Control your spending
- Get free of debt
- Build a contingency fund
- Become an informed investor
- Give
Pay yourself
firstEvery paycheck,create a personal budgeting plan and keep some of your money for yourself. It takes money to make money, so goes the old saying. To achieve financial freedom, you'll need some seed money that can grow into a substantial nest egg.
Take a percentage or a fixed amount from each paycheck and add it to your seed money, at least 10%, if possible. This is your investment money. Do not use it for anything else. Every paycheck be sure to pay yourself first. With time and persistence you'll soon have the funds to start making profitable investments. You'll be a lender and not a borrower. Reinvest all profits and dividends to maximize the growth of your nest egg.
Control your spending with the help of a budget planner like Quicken, MS Money or Mvelopes personal. Make sure that your spending is less than your earnings. When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is STOP DIGGING. You may have to create and follow a budget.
Creating a budget is easy; following it may be hard. Start our by tracking your current spending habits. Visit for budgeting software that can help you. Summarize your spending into general categories such as Food, Clothing, Entertainment, etc. Then you can decide which categories you can cut and by how much. Continue to track your spending and do your best to stay within the budget setup for yourself.
Get free of debt
Debt is bad, "the borrower is the slave of the lender", and none of us wants to be a slave. There are some debts that may be helpful, such as business debts to increase profits, home mortgages, and car loans. Avoid any other borrowing, even pay cash for your car if possible.
Increase the size of the payments you're making. Pick the creditor who charges the highest interest and increase that payment by as much as you can. When that creditor is paid off, take the payment amount and apply it to the next creditor in your budget plan. Continue this process until all are paid off. Destroy and close all or most of your credit card accounts.
Build a contingency fund
Life is full of unexpected surprises; the car breaks down, the furnace fails, we lose our job, etc.. To prevent these occasional events from derailing your financial plans, you need to do financial budgeting for emergencies also. This will help you avoid borrowing or dipping into your seed money.
Every paycheck, take a percentage or a fixed amount of money and put it into your contingency fund. As the money in this fund grows, you will have financial peace that comes from being better prepared for life's little surprises. For life's big surprises, buy insurance.
Become an informed investor
In this day and age, there are endless opportunities for investments that can make your financial budgeting fail. In order to make money and not lose money, you'll need to start educating yourself.
As a start, here are some concepts it will be good for you to know. RETURN is how much profit you're likely to make on a given investment, usually expressed as a percentage or a range of percentages. RISK is the possibility of something bad happening, like losing money. A SCAM is a false investment opportunity presented by lying thieves trying to steal your money. DIVERSIFICATION is the strategy of not having all your eggs in one basket to spread and minimize risk. An INVESTMENT STRATEGY is a long term approach to making money. Visit for more investment ideas and related budgeting software.
Begin to give away some of your money. "For whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap." If you are religious, give to your religion. If you are not, then give to the poor, or to "save the earth", or whatever noble cause appeals to you.
Not only does giving help free you from the mental and emotional grip of money, God Himself will generously respond to more than repay what you have freely and joyfully given away.
You can make it happen. Establish your strategy and stick to it. Implement all these steps in your life and your financial freedom will soon come:
- Pay yourself first
- Control your spending
- Get free of debt
- Build a contingency fund
- Become an informed investor
- Give
Now, you're on your way.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
7 Power Habits that Build Financial Independence
Financial independence is having the freedom to support yourself through your own efforts. Here are seven fundamental habits that will help you achieve and maintain financial independence.
1. Express Gratitude
Financial independence begins with gratitude. Set aside a daily period to offer a sincere thank you for every blessing in your life. Include people, places, possessions, talents, and memories. Offer gratitude for your future dreams as though they were already in your possession.
Gratitude will allow you to attract the blessings you want. When they arrive, protect them from the thieves that could rob you of your financial independence.
2. Liberate Your Future
Debts of the past are thieves of the future. If you want financial independence, live a simple life style that does not create unnecessary personal debt. Living with class does not require being extravagant. If you are conservative most of the time, you can be extravagant at the right times.
Do not allow credit card companies to hold your future hostage. Take control. Seek professional help to get rid of credit card debt that robs you of high monthly interest payments. Borrowing is a tool that should produce a return on your investment, not cost your future security.
3. Commit to Wellness
Your health is also an asset that you need to protect. Wellness allows you to manage and enjoy financial independence. Get regular physical checkups and maintain a sensible physician-approved exercise program. These can help to minimize illnesses and maximize the rewards of a productive life.
Maintaining wellness requires an ongoing commitment. Another area of commitment that is equally important to financial independence is one of personal financial discipline.
4. Develop a Saving Discipline
A financially independent future requires saving, and saving requires discipline. As credit card debt diminishes, savings can begin to increase. An emergency savings fund of six to twelve months living expenses is a wise idea. However, you will want major long-term savings plans for such goals as education and retirement.
Do not expect the government to take care of your financial future. If you want to remain financially independent, take ultimate responsibility for every chapter of your financial life. That responsibility begins with wise investing and respect for money.
5. Invest Wisely and Respect Money
My father taught me to have several investments that produce an ongoing, passive income. This, he said, would allow me to remain independent if I were to become physically disabled. These investments are like "feeding geese that lay golden eggs". Passive income streams also provide additional capital to place in other financial growth investments.
Respect for money is the beginning of saving and investing. Respect for a dollar begins with respect for a penny. You will always have dollars if you take care of your pennies. Even the smallest of assets and investments need protection.
6. Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones
In the article, Ten Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs, I wrote that one of those traits was making a commitment to protect the welfare of your family and loved ones. Ensuring the safety of your financial assets is part of doing this.
Adequate insurance coverage for your life, health, and property is a wise investment. You should also use professional legal, financial, and security services to help protect your business, property, and all the things you have worked to acquire.
7. Design Your Financial Independence with Qualified Help
Seek qualified professionals to help you design your financial future. You do not need to be a financial expert to become financially independent, but you must become financially literate. Seek professional guidance from experts in financial planning, taxes, and accounting. These people can work with you to help you realize your financial goals.
Begin today by seeking out professionals that can help you achieve your financial goals. Become financially independent in your own mind. Express gratitude for the blessings you will receive as if they were already in your possession. Avoid and eliminate unnecessary personal debt, and live a healthy lifestyle. Save with discipline, invest wisely, and respect your financial assets. Protect the assets you have worked to acquire, and you can enjoy the financially independent lifestyle that you have envisioned.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Slowing Spending - The Key to Your Debt Plan Success
Debt Plan Success can only be attained by personal budgeting. Anyone who embarks on a debt reduction program should know the rules for success. There are two. You need to stop adding to your debt. You need to manage personal finances, to pay it off quickly.
You also need to know the deck is stacked against you. The sellers of goods and services have gobs of information at their fingertips. They know where you live. They have a close approximation of your personal finance. They are aware of your interests. They also know your buying habits. These tips on budgeting will help you to manage personal finances.
The information to which they have access is endless. They know the age of your car through its registration. The appliances you have because of the warranty cards returned. Where you shop because of the credit and store cards you have used. How old your mortgage is and what you owe from public recording of the deeds.
Because they have this information, you end up on a number of lists. The sorting and use of these lists are an art and science which helps in household budgeting. It is the source of the mail you receive, the offers you are made, and the advertising to which you are exposed.
This makes for very effective advertising. They can target your "known" wants and desires. Huge amounts of money are spent to convince you to buy this or that product. You have heard how expensive Super Bowl ads are each year. They pay this type of money because it works.
Then to top it all off they make it so easy to buy. If you haven't done your budgeting, they provide you with credit, easy-pay plans, personal loans; anything to make your personal budgeting smooth. Many companies make as much from their financing divisions as they do from selling you their products. So what do you do? How do you fight this financial onslaught and win? It requires making a budget and planning your financials. You need to wring all the value you can from your budget plan. Become adept at making each dollar do the work of two.
You need to make budget plans for purchases. Even if that means that you think about it for just a few minutes before you plunk down your hard earn money. Justify your purchases; do you need it, does it make sense, can you do without? These are questions you need to ask yourself. They may fly in the face of the materialism which surrounds us all, but they need to be answered nonetheless.
Using a spreadsheet would be helpful for personal budgeting and financial planning. Anytime a purchase exceeds what you have in your budget plan tick down this list or use a money management software like mvelopes personal, ms money or quicken to keep track of it and see if it really makes sense to buy it.
- How much is it?
- Is this a sale price?
- If so what am I saving over regular price?
- What will happen if I don’t buy it now?
- Can I pay cash?
- How will It effect the budget setup? Where will the money come from?
- If not cash, what will be the credit cost?
- Is it worth it at the price with the credit cost added in?
- Does the purchase fill a need or a want? (think hard)
- Why do I need this item?
- Why do I want this item?
- Can I justify this purchase to another person?
- What would I say?
- Would I accept these reasons from someone else?
This should help in slowing you down. Couple this with not taking your credit cards with you when you shop. It does take work, but a little extra work is better than being a slave to your debt.
Now with the money you save go to work on your debt reduction plans. Work that side of the equation as hard as you do the spending side. Place as much as you can on your bills. Reduce and eliminate them from your budget plan.
Friday, February 13, 2009
7 Golden Rules to Financial Prosperity
Not Enough Money?
I believe that most people haven't got enough money for everything they wish to have - the more you have the bigger your plans, and you have a feeling that you have less and less money.
Whether you have lots of money or just so-so, you need to economize and take proper care of your money ie your income, expenditures, savings and investments.
Below I give you 7 Golden Rules to a Financial Budgeting for financial prosperity:
1) Always have several streams of income: never rely on one income from one source only.
2) As soon as you start to earn, start to put aside a certain amount to create an automatic money source: I remember I have always had my own portfolio since I was a child, and can tell you that I needed it several times. Even if you have property, you may find yourself in a situation when you need fast cash. In such a situation, you will not sell your property, but you can sell part or even the whole of your portfolio.
You don't need to start your portfolio with thousands of dollars, you can develop it.
You only need to set a rule that you won't touch it when you don't need it, and keep it for vital urgencies. To buy a better car or a bigger house is not an urgency.
3) Always have a budget plan to take care of your money personally: it's not necessary to do everything personally as soon as you can afford it but never allow any other person to have a right to handle your money without your knowing, or your express approval. If you think that you don't have time to supervise this or that it's not important, you will have to find it later for much more unpleasant things when you lose your money.
Many of you will 'hate' me for what I'm going to say now and I will receive lots of disapproving messages but I have to say it: don't even allow your spouse to do this - love and money is not the right association, and I know what I am talking about. Keep these apart.
Don't supervise your investments and expenditures only - Always strictly collect your money. Never allow people to owe you - again: with no regard to how much money you have, always demand every dollar you earn to be paid to you.
4) Strictly distinguish between expenditures and investments: it's very easy to put everything as cost or overhead: don't do this. Apply an easy rule: expenditure or cost is money thrown out of the window - you can't expect any return money on it, while investment is desirable (of course, not every investment is desirable) this should bring you more money, more property able to make you more money - the only questions you should carefully consider are whether you can/should afford such an investment at the moment, how much you're going to get back, how fast and whether it is acceptable.
5) Keep your expenditures at the minimum with no regard to how much money you have: expenditures are killing for everyone. It's useless to tell you stories about big fortunes lost by unwise costs. I'm sure you know many yourself from your neighborhood.
6) Avoid loans, don't borrow if you don't know for sure you can repay. Never purchase anything on future incomes or promises, which goes beyond your budget.
Just a little example: if I have a notice that a payment is on its way to my account and I need the money today for some reason (however, I can't see any reason like that :-) - never mind), I can borrow. But, if I think I will sell 1,000 books next week, I mustn't borrow.
7) You must always earn more than you spend. In case you don't earn more than you spend, then you must spend less. In other words, you must always be in green.
If you think that you can disrupt your budget setup by swapping your car every six months even if you should borrow, then it may easily happen that you won't drive anything in a very short time.
I don't want to waste hours of your precious time by long essays on savings and wise advice. Just adopt one principle and whenever you want to do something with your money (- whether it's thousands or millions or just a couple of bucks), just ask your self if your personal budget allows you to do this: take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A Simple Approach to Budgeting
I hate budgeting. I’ve tried using envelopes, Mvelopes, Quicken, and fancy spreadsheets and the results are always the same. I start off strong, but within a few weeks I lose interest in the time-consuming chore that budgeting can be. The problem is that I still need to manage my money. I confronted this problem about a year ago, and asked myself the following question: how do I effectively manage my money in as little time and with as little pain as possible? To answer that question I came up with a money management plan that doesn't require me to track all of my expenses all of the time, and requires a relatively small investment of my time each month. In this post, I'll share my plan with you.
Before I get to the steps I take, it's important to say that you should do what works best for you. You may need to or feel more comfortable tracking every dime you spend. That's great if it works for you. You may also take my plan and modify it in ways to make it work better for you. That's great, too. Budgeting should be viewed as a means to an end. Budgeting and money management are a means to allow us to spend and save our money in the most productive and efficient way possible. If you need 100 expenses categories to accomplish that goal, so be it. If you can do it with just 5 expense categories, great! It turns out that I use just one expense category most of the time. Here's how:
Save First
You've heard the expression, "pay yourself first." What that means is to set aside a set amount from each paycheck that you'll save, then spend the rest. That's what I do, and my budget looks like this (all percentages are based on gross income):
Savings: 15%
Spending: 85%
As long as I save 15% of my gross income and spend no more than 85%, I don't care how much I spent on groceries or entertainment or electricity. Unfortunately, the fun doesn't stop here. There are at least three potentially significant problems with this simple approach that you must watch for: (1) failing to save as much as you comfortably can; (2) spending more than you planned to spend; and (3) getting whacked by periodic or unexpected expenses. Recognizing these potential problems, I developed a simple approach to address each of them.
Failing to save as much as you comfortably can
How much money should you save? There’s no one right answer to that question. The goal is to achieve a reasonable balance between enjoying today and saving for tomorrow. For me that means saving between 10% and 20% of gross income. I view 10% as the minimum goal and 20% as a stretch goal. Today I save 15%. But what if I could comfortably save more? That’s one of the potential draw backs to my simple budgeting plan. In and of itself, it doesn’t tell you how much you can reasonably and comfortably save. To determine that number I prepare a budget template. I use a simple Excel spreadsheet that divides my monthly expenses into three categories: (1) fixed expenses (e.g., mortgage, telephone, cable); (2) variable expenses (e.g., groceries, entertainment, clothing); and (3) periodic expenses (e.g., car and life insurance, gifts, vacations). The fixed and periodic expenses are easy to determine by looking at past bills. The variable expenses can take some time to pull together, although if you religiously use a debit card like we do, the information is right there in your bank statement.
With this information plugged into my spreadsheet, I can get an idea of how much (or little) I can save. I can also see how making adjustments to my spending will increase or decrease my savings. What I don’t do is track all of my expenses each month according to these categories. The template is there just as a guideline to determine how much I can reasonably save. If I’m not at 10%, I look for ways to trim expenses in one or more categories. I also look to see if I can reduce my expenses in some relatively painless way in order to save even more. You can check out some of my painless money-saving tips, which I will regularly update with new tips readers and other bloggers have sent in. At this point you may be asking how I keep my expenses in check against this budget template if I don’t track all my expenses each month. Good question, and that brings us to problem #2.
Spending more than you plan to spend
So you have a simple budget plan that calls for 10% savings, but you end up spending more than the 90% left over. This happens to all of us. But rather than go to the extreme and start tracking every expense, I look at my expenses and determine what category or categories caused me the most problems. The problem expense areas are usually not a surprise to me. For us, it’s spending too much money eating out, buying too many clothes, or spending too much on the house. I know these are our problem areas because I’ve been managing our money for 15 years. If you’re new to managing your money, it won’t take long for you to identify the two or three problem areas in your budget. And here’s the point–track just those categories for a month. There’s no point in tracking expenses that aren’t causing the problem. Focus on the problem. You’ll spend a lot less time and your energy will be directed at the problem area(s) in your budget.
Having tracked the problem areas for a month, you’ll have a better idea of why your spending more than you should. If you must, put cash in an envelope for just these problem categories. When the cash is gone, you stop spending. Again, the point is to focus just on the problem areas of your monthly spending.
Getting whacked by periodic or unexpected expenses
It’s usually just when you think you’ve got control of your spending that the car insurance bill comes in the mail. In the past, this would drive me (no pun intended) crazy. Not any more. For periodic expenses, I simply add them up over the course of a year, divide by twelve, and put that much into my online savings account each month. When the bill comes in, I transfer the amount from savings to checking and pay the bill. For us, our periodic expenses include the following:
- Car Insurance (twice a year)
- Life insurance (once a year)
- Personal Property Tax (once a year)
- Gifts (throughout the year, but mainly at Christmas)
- Vacations (once a year)
For unexpected expenses, like a car repair, we use our emergency fund if we can’t include it in the monthly budget. Of course, we then have to add to our emergency fund, but that is what it’s there for.
As I said at the start, there is no one right way to budget. For us, the simple approach is the best, and we’ve managed to control our spending with the system quite well. If you use a different system, let us know what works best for you.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
51 Painless Money-Saving Tips
- Combine your cable, internet and telephone service. Companies now offer combined services that not only cost less, but offer the convenience of a single bill.
- Slow down your internet service. I went to the slower internet service option with my cable company and saved $15 per month. And I haven’t noticed a difference when surfing the Net.
- Send away for and follow up on rebates. After you buy a product with a rebate, send in the form that day. Then mark your calendar to remind yourself to follow up with the rebate company if the check hasn’t show up.
- Buy a refurbished Mac: I’ve written about this before because it is a great way to buy not only computers, but iPods and iPhones as well. You can check out the details on how to buy a refurbished iPhone here.
- Convert to a gas water heater. They are more efficient and will save you money in the long run.
- Request a reduction in the interest rate for your home equity line of credit. I did and my mortgage company agreed to reduce the rate by more than 0.50%. And if you are looking for a home equity loan,LendingTree Home Equity Loans is a great place to check out available options.
- Request a reduction in the interest rate on your credit cards. As with home equity loans, credit card companies sometimes are willing to reduce the interest rate. It can’t hurt to ask.
- Refinance you mortgage. If you can reduce your interest rate by one percent or more, it is often beneficial to refinance. This is particularly true for those with high rates due to less than stellar credit scores. If your score has improved, you may qualify for a better rate. I would start by asking your current mortgage lender about lower rates. Here’s a refinance calculator to help you determine if refinancing is right for you.
- Get rid of Private Mortgage Insurance. If your down payment was less than 20%, you are probably paying PMI. Once you have a 20% cushion through reducing your debt and home appreciation (yes, prices do go up from time to time), contact your mortgage company to start the process of removing the PMI.
- Get your books from the library. I love books and read every day. While I buy some of the books I read, most come from the library. Simply put, it’s hard to beat free.
- Get DVDs from the library. Many libraries now have movies on DVD that can be checked out. If your library offers this service, it sure beats paying Blockbuster or Netflix.
- Get DVDs from Red Box. If your library doesn’t offer DVDs, get your moves from Red Box. It costs just one dollar per night. You find Red Box locations here. Netflix is also a great, low cost and convenient alternative.
- Read magazines at the library or online. Too many magazines can cost a fortune. And how many times have you bought a magazine based on the cover and been disappointed by the lack of substance. At the library you can read magazines for free. And many magazines now offer their content for free online.
- Subscribe to magazines that are must reads. If you must have a certain magazine each month, subscribe. Subscriptions offer substantial savings over the cost at the newsstand. Update: Amazon offers some great deals on personal finance magazines.
- Buy your car over the internet: Search the internet for information on the car you want and then send e-mail requests to dealers for the best price. Even if the dealer is located in another state, the cost to have the car delivered may still be worth it. I paid $500 to have a Honda Odyssey shipped 500 miles and still saved $1,000 over the best local price available.
- Request a discount on trash service. For some reason this is a highly competitive business. If you get a better offer in the mail for trash service, call your current trash company and ask them to beat the offer. My trash service has reduced its rates twice in six months to match competing offers.
- Never pay checking account fees. I hate bank fees. With so many free checking account plans available, there’s no reason to pay a fee. And if the bank happens to charge you one, ask them to reverse the fee or take your business to another bank.
- Get a rewards card. There are many reward cards that pay out in cash or points that can be redeemed for travel or products. Many of these cards don’t have an annual fee. I recently traveled to my college reunion for free using points earned from a credit card. My favorite rewards card is American Express Gold Card. It does have an annual fee, although follow this link (American Express) to apply and the first year fee is waived. You can also check out my review of several travel reward credit cards.
- Don’t pay interest on credit cards. This is obvious, but I soon as you fail to pay off the credit card in full, the high interest payments start to eat away at your monthly budget. If the temptation to spend more than you can pay on a credit card is to great, get rid of the credit card (and ignore the previous tip!).
- Take advantage of 0% credit card offers. I’ve saved thousands of dollars using 0% balance transfer credit cards. Again, as long as the cards won’t cause you to spend more, they can offer substantial savings. Make sure, however, that you keep an eye on the balance transfer fee, which can wipe out your savings.
- Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFLs) bulbs. These bulbs use 75% less energy and last 10 times longer. They do take some getting used to, and they won’t work in every light fixture. But use them where it makes sense and save energy and money.
- Drive your car longer. The buy new versus used debate often overlooks the most important factor–how long you own your car. Drive it as long as you safely can for substantial savings.
- Pay your life insurance annually. Insurance companies charge you more if you pay monthly, quarterly or semi-annually. Pay once a year and you’ll pay less.
- Pay car insurance semi-annually. At least with my car insurance, they offer quarterly and semi-annual payment options. It costs more to pay quarterly, and twice a year is more convenient anyway.
- Increase insurance deductibles. Most of us don’t need to be insured for all losses over $100 on our car, for example. Although we wouldn’t want to pay a $250 or even $500 deductible, we could. If that’s you, find out how much you’d save from raising your deductible. I’ve raised my deductibles on my auto insurance and home owner’s insurance and saved a considerable amount.
- Think before submitting an insurance claim. My rule of thumb is that I won’t submit a claim on a loss that is less than twice my deductible. So for a $250 deductible on an auto loss, I’ll pay out of pocket any loss up to $500. Why? The $250 I’d receive from my insurance company is not worth the increased premiums I’m likely to pay. You may want to call your insurance agent to find out how a claim will impact your premiums before filing the claim.
- Get rid of your home telephone. This is a great way to save money. Many don’t do it because of the 911 service, and that’s understandable. But if you�re comfortable relying on a cell phone, there’s no reason to keep a land line. If you do, consider reducing your service to the minimum and only use the phone in an emergency.
- Consider VOiP telephone service. We use Internet phone service and have saved substantial money over Verizon service. The phone service has been very reliable, and you’d never even know the signal was being carried over the Internet. Phone Power is a great option for internet telephone service, which costs as little as $9.95 a month.
- Shut vents in unused rooms. This isn’t advisable if you have forced air heating, but shutting vents in unused rooms can save on your heating and cooling bill.
- Eliminate some cable service. Note that I’m not recommending getting rid of cable completely, although that’s certainly a way to save money. If you must have cable, take a look at all the charges on your cable bill and consider getting rid of some of the service. Try it for a month and see if you really miss those last 500 channels.
- Agree to limit gift giving. At Christmas our extended family and we go overboard when it comes to gift giving. Agree in advance to limit the gifts and save everybody some money.
- Get healthy. Your health will directly impact the cost of life insurance and, in some cases, can reduce the cost of your health insurance.
- Cancel the health club membership. Seems to contradict the previous tip, but evaluate how much you really use your health club. Less expensive options may include a gym at your work or a gym at your local parks and recreation center. Some offer pay as you go options rather than monthly fees, which can be great for those of us who aren’t as consistent in our routines as we’d like to be.
- Pass on extended warranties. A $129 two year extension on a $300 product is just not worth it. Warranties are insurance, and we rarely need to insure such a small amount.
- Take your lunch to work one more day a week than you do now. Eating out at lunch is fun, so I wouldn’t eliminate it completely. But taking lunch just one more day a week will keep money in your pocket.
- Buy low cost mutual funds. This is easy to miss because the money doesn’t come out of your pocket each month. But keep an eye on the cost of the mutual funds in your 401(k) and other investments. My rule of thumb is that no fund should cost more than 1% and the combined cost for all your funds should be less than 0.50%. If you don’t believe that even a half percent can make a big difference, read this.
- Take advantage of employer 401(k) matches. If your employer matches 401(k) contributions, do everything you can to take full advantage of that match.
- Use flexible spending accounts. FSAs allow you to pay certain medical, dental and child care expenses using pre-tax dollars. If your not taking advantage of these accounts, you’re wasting money. Enrollment at many companies is occurring now, so check with your HR department if you have any questions about FSAs.
- Get tires from Costco or other wholesale clubs. Simply put, they cost a lot less than buying them at the dealer or even a chain tire store.
- Keep tires properly inflated. It keeps you safe and costs less on gas.
Stop smoking. Need I say more? - Drink less alcohol. It costs money and ads calories.
- Buy term life insurance. Any other life insurance product is just not worth the extra cost.
- Buy generic over-the-counter medicines. They are exactly the same as their branded counterparts and cost less.
- Get organized and avoid missed payments. I’ve missed a payment or two because the bill got buried beneath a stack of papers.
- Get organized and avoid those late payment penalties. If you do miss a payment, call your creditor and ask to have the penalty removed. They’ll usually accommodate the request, at least the first time.
- Buy online when it saves you money. I’ve used Amazon to buy more than just books. It sells just about anything and sometimes at substantial savings.
- Consider MythTV PVR in replace of TiVo type services. I just ran across MythTV and am still investigating it. I pay $15 a month to my cable company for a DVR box and would love to save the money. If you’ve used MythTV, let us know how well it works. You can get more information about MythTV here.
- Use Open Source software when possible. I use GIMP instead of Photoshop. GIMP is free; Photoshop ain’t.
- Check the insulation in your home. Extra insulation can easily pay for itself in one or two years, and it helps save the environment, too.
- Buy energy efficient appliances. Look for the Energy Star on appliances and consider the annual energy cost before buying. More efficient appliances cost more, but you make up the extra cost and then some over the life of the product.
- Stay married. Yes, I did say 51 “painless” money-saving tips. Yes, I know that some marriages end because of abuse and other extreme circumstances. “Isn’t marriage about love”, you ask. Sometimes. “You don’t know my situation”, you say. True. But I lived through the emotional and financial pain of two divorces as a child, and I’ve been married to the same women for more than 19 years, so I know plenty. Am I telling you not to get a divorce? Of course not. I am telling you that divorce will wreck your finances and your spouse’s finances.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
How to save yourself from recession
We all know that the world economy is not moving in a good way for quite some time now. Many of us are getting laid off and losing our jobs. We have to face this. It is a fact that we are diving into recession and need to find ways to save ourselves.
Stephen Gandel, Money Magazine senior writer discussed his view point almost 10 months back. He is quite optimistic in his post that the recession would not last long and the economy, especially US economy will bounce back but says “Keep yourself safe should the hard times stick around”.
Here are the few steps you can take to save yourself from recession. These are just short and snappy points but following these will surely save many of us.
1. Be brave: It is true that the things are in quite bad shape now and almost all of the economic gurus are saying that this recession is going to be bad. Many of us will find our friends losing their jobs or getting some nasty salary cuts. This is bound to happen and is law of economy. Recession is part of cycle and no one can stop it. Since it is a cycle, the things will become better again. All you have to do is to be tough and brave and this time will also be past.
2. Hold your job tight: You were one of those heroes who always had a strong grip on their job equation? You had the power to draw your own graph? Those good old days are over, at least for now. You are no more boss of your boss but now he has his powers back. Make sure you do not get into the issues which makes him unhappy. Try to give out your best and do not think what you are getting, just focus your mind on what you are giving The better is your output, more chances you will remain on your seat. Remember that there are many waiting outside your office for a vacancy.
3. Save Save Save: The time is over when you used to max out credit limits and never gave a second thought before making an expensive purchase. Save whatever possible. Minimum 10% of your pay should be saved in all conditions. You have always been told to save for the rainy days. Now it is raining heavily and it is going to rain for some time. Make a check list of your monthly expenses. There is no way you are going to eat less but you can always save on the big expenses you make. Cut on your apartment rent by downsizing on it. Even car can be downsized. Postpone your expensive dinners and your favourite addictions.
4. Take advantage of the good side: In recession the bank interests will go down. Try to pay as much debit as you can in this period. It is easy to say than done, but the smart ones will convert this down time into an opportunity. The share prices of companies are all time low. Make some good and wise investments. If you keep yourself strong, you will be at the top at the end of the day. You will have a better position in your company, better bank balance and lesser competition alive.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
100 Ways To Save Money During A Recession
1. Write it down.
2. Make a budget.
3. Pay yourself first.
4. Examine your monthly debits.
5. Be realistic about your cable television needs.
6. Ditch the land line.
7. Get an unlimited text messaging plan.
8. Talk to your spouse and/or children about your economic situation.
9. Shop with a list and stick to it.
10. Use coupon codes when shopping online.
11. Make day trips close to home instead of going on an extravagant vacation.
12. Develop a “prison workout.”
13. Buy a coffeemaker.
14. Drink lots of water.
15. If you’re a man, cut your own hair.
16. If you’re single, use an online dating service.
17. Wake up early.
18. Press “Mute” during commercials.
19. Sleep on it.
20. Avoid “convenience” stores.
21. Unless you drive a Ferrari, don’t buy premium gasoline.
22. Reduce your stress.
23. Clean out your closets and your garage.
24. Bring your lunch.
25. Pay more than the minimum credit card payment each month.
26. Pay off your high interest rate credit cards before low interest rate cards.
27. Bathe and brush your own pet.
28. Develop a charity plan.
29. Eat at restaurants on special occasions only.
30. Never sign up for store credit cards.
31. Be smart about who you let into your inbox.
32. Use your public library.
33. Have a snack and drink a large glass of water before going shopping.
34. Get a Netflix membership.
35. Use movie theater outings for special occasions only.
36. If you have pets, find a veterinarian who offers free ancillary care.
37. If you don’t drink, never “split the check” with people who do.
38. Take digital photos and store them on your computer.
39. Always carry an energy bar.
40. Use a water filter.
41. If you are single, go for a walk on your first dates.
42. Never use ATM’s that charge a fee.
43. Forget about picking stocks.
44. Buy store-brand trash bags.
45. Join a professional association.
46. Buy your clothing from outlet stores.
47. Never borrow money to pay for food, utilities or clothing.
48. If your employer matches 401k contributions, contribute (at minimum) the percentage they match.
49. Stay away from the freezer aisle.
50. Go outside for some fresh air and sunlight.
51. Call your credit card companies and ask them to lower your rates.
52. Buy dessert at the grocery store.
53. Become familiar with all of the benefits offered by your employer and use them.
54. Cancel your newspaper and magazine subscriptions.
55. Don’t leave your job until you have another one lined up.
56. Never buy anything located near the checkout counter.
57. Don’t use your checking account overdraft protection as a regular line of credit.
58. Trade babysitting nights with a friend or neighbor.
59. Ask for discounts on products and services.
60. Sleep for eight hours each night.
61. If you can’t pay all of your taxes, set up an installment plan.
62. Monitor your credit.
63. Avoid checking account overdraft and credit card over limit fees.
64. Use store discount cards.
65. Pay your bills on time.
66. If you’re signing up for a monthly service, ask for any setup fees to be waived.
67. If you can’t pay a bill, call your creditor and ask to work out a payment plan.
68. Ask your boss whether layoffs are planned at your company.
69. Open your mail.
70. Use dollar-cost averaging to invest in an index fund.
71. Trade in your booze and cigarettes for a gym membership.
72. If you have cable television, skip the HDTV purchase.
73. Never take an early withdrawal from your retirement account.
74. Take public transportation when possible.
75. If you have to drive to work, set up a carpool.
76. Buy generic prescription medication when available.
77. Use coupons for grocery shopping.
78. Don’t exceed the posted speed limit.
79. Consider public school for your kids.
80. Beware of phone/cable/internet bundles.
81. Turn down the heat.
82. Avoid flagship shopping districts.
83. Forget about keeping up with the Joneses.
84. Before making a large purchase, calculate how many hours of work it takes for you to make that much money.
85. Instead of giving a birthday or Christmas gift, write a heartfelt letter to someone.
86. Don’t buy lottery tickets.
87. Use positive self-talk to attract wealth and income.
88. If you work for someone else, start a side business.
89. Beware of the grocery shrink ray
90. Know how much you and your time are worth.
91. If you are single, do not get involved in any way with a spendthrift.
92. If you need to purchase an expensive item, bring competitors’ advertisements with you to the store.
93. Don’t read catalogs (even for fun).
94. Don’t lend money to your friends.
95. Don’t “invest” in “get rich quick” programs.
96. No one needs 50 pairs of shoes.
97. Do not go to Las Vegas or Atlantic City (or anywhere else where gambling is legal).
98. Diversify your sources of income.
99. Live like your parents lived.
100. Don’t go it alone.
Blog Archive
- Create and use a Debt Checklist to See How you Sta...
- 8 Ways to Sink Yourself Financially
- Steps to Financial Freedom
- 7 Power Habits that Build Financial Independence
- Slowing Spending - The Key to Your Debt Plan Success
- 7 Golden Rules to Financial Prosperity
- A Simple Approach to Budgeting
- 51 Painless Money-Saving Tips
- How to save yourself from recession
- 100 Ways To Save Money During A Recession