Monday, December 15, 2008


I’m really curious to know what cost effective means of advertising my fellow entrepreneurs are using in order to attract customers to there Online Businesses. Some of the things that I try to use to attract more customers to my Online Store are as follows:

1. I had some business cards and flyers made which I give out to people every chance I get.

2. I always include a flyer or business card in all the packages that I mail out to my customers.

3. I always upload all my items on Google base.

4. I submit my store url to as many search engines as I can.

5. I advertise my store on my blogs.

6. I advertise my items on forums every opportunity I get.

7. I use my store banner as my signature on all my out going e-mails.

If there any other suggestions out there please feel free to share them, I would really love to hear them.

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