Sunday, February 1, 2009

100 Ways To Save Money During A Recession

By Recession Tips

1. Write it down.
2. Make a budget.
3. Pay yourself first.
4. Examine your monthly debits.
5. Be realistic about your cable television needs.
6. Ditch the land line.
7. Get an unlimited text messaging plan.
8. Talk to your spouse and/or children about your economic situation.
9. Shop with a list and stick to it.
10. Use coupon codes when shopping online.
11. Make day trips close to home instead of going on an extravagant vacation.
12. Develop a “prison workout.”
13. Buy a coffeemaker.
14. Drink lots of water.
15. If you’re a man, cut your own hair.
16. If you’re single, use an online dating service.
17. Wake up early.
18. Press “Mute” during commercials.
19. Sleep on it.
20. Avoid “convenience” stores.
21. Unless you drive a Ferrari, don’t buy premium gasoline.
22. Reduce your stress.
23. Clean out your closets and your garage.
24. Bring your lunch.
25. Pay more than the minimum credit card payment each month.
26. Pay off your high interest rate credit cards before low interest rate cards.
27. Bathe and brush your own pet.
28. Develop a charity plan.
29. Eat at restaurants on special occasions only.
30. Never sign up for store credit cards.
31. Be smart about who you let into your inbox.
32. Use your public library.
33. Have a snack and drink a large glass of water before going shopping.
34. Get a Netflix membership.
35. Use movie theater outings for special occasions only.
36. If you have pets, find a veterinarian who offers free ancillary care.
37. If you don’t drink, never “split the check” with people who do.
38. Take digital photos and store them on your computer.
39. Always carry an energy bar.
40. Use a water filter.
41. If you are single, go for a walk on your first dates.
42. Never use ATM’s that charge a fee.
43. Forget about picking stocks.
44. Buy store-brand trash bags.
45. Join a professional association.
46. Buy your clothing from outlet stores.
47. Never borrow money to pay for food, utilities or clothing.
48. If your employer matches 401k contributions, contribute (at minimum) the percentage they match.
49. Stay away from the freezer aisle.
50. Go outside for some fresh air and sunlight.
51. Call your credit card companies and ask them to lower your rates.
52. Buy dessert at the grocery store.
53. Become familiar with all of the benefits offered by your employer and use them.
54. Cancel your newspaper and magazine subscriptions.
55. Don’t leave your job until you have another one lined up.
56. Never buy anything located near the checkout counter.
57. Don’t use your checking account overdraft protection as a regular line of credit.
58. Trade babysitting nights with a friend or neighbor.
59. Ask for discounts on products and services.
60. Sleep for eight hours each night.
61. If you can’t pay all of your taxes, set up an installment plan.
62. Monitor your credit.
63. Avoid checking account overdraft and credit card over limit fees.
64. Use store discount cards.
65. Pay your bills on time.
66. If you’re signing up for a monthly service, ask for any setup fees to be waived.
67. If you can’t pay a bill, call your creditor and ask to work out a payment plan.
68. Ask your boss whether layoffs are planned at your company.
69. Open your mail.
70. Use dollar-cost averaging to invest in an index fund.
71. Trade in your booze and cigarettes for a gym membership.
72. If you have cable television, skip the HDTV purchase.
73. Never take an early withdrawal from your retirement account.
74. Take public transportation when possible.
75. If you have to drive to work, set up a carpool.
76. Buy generic prescription medication when available.
77. Use coupons for grocery shopping.
78. Don’t exceed the posted speed limit.
79. Consider public school for your kids.
80. Beware of phone/cable/internet bundles.
81. Turn down the heat.
82. Avoid flagship shopping districts.
83. Forget about keeping up with the Joneses.
84. Before making a large purchase, calculate how many hours of work it takes for you to make that much money.
85. Instead of giving a birthday or Christmas gift, write a heartfelt letter to someone.
86. Don’t buy lottery tickets.
87. Use positive self-talk to attract wealth and income.
88. If you work for someone else, start a side business.
89. Beware of the grocery shrink ray
90. Know how much you and your time are worth.
91. If you are single, do not get involved in any way with a spendthrift.
92. If you need to purchase an expensive item, bring competitors’ advertisements with you to the store.
93. Don’t read catalogs (even for fun).
94. Don’t lend money to your friends.
95. Don’t “invest” in “get rich quick” programs.
96. No one needs 50 pairs of shoes.
97. Do not go to Las Vegas or Atlantic City (or anywhere else where gambling is legal).
98. Diversify your sources of income.
99. Live like your parents lived.
100. Don’t go it alone.

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