Saturday, January 17, 2009

How to Use Forums to Promote Your Online Business

By Melanie Marten

1. Post informative and entertaining posts on forums to increase both personal and brand recognition. Personal recognition is useful to establish yourself as an expert in your field, whether it be internet marketing, fashion, or parenting. The large group of forum posters will get to know you as both a source of information and as a friendly, helpful person. These impression will do much to create positive views of your business.

2. Use a memorable anchor test for your website link, a catchy motto, or even a graphic logo from your business as an avatar, and your business will stick in the minds of the other forum visitors.

3. Include a link to your website with a graphic or small amount of information in a signature file. This signature will be automatically added to each post you make. This link and blurb or graphic will attract interested people who will click on the link and visit your website. Posting regularly on a forum will continuously promote your business online.

4. Network with other online business owners and marketers. Not only can you establish friendships, you can also trade advertisements and links on websites, and learn new methods to promote your business online. Social networking is the catch phrase for online promotion these days, and forums are one of the best places to do it.

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